गुरुवार, 18 फ़रवरी 2016

Show Bluetooth option in Right Click

Today I will tell you how to add Bluetooth sent file option to right click.

There are two method one add shortcut on Right click or second method use Registry to show Send to bluetooth option both will work for you.

You can see in below picture no option is there for bluetooth to right click

Here step-by-step instructions:

Method 1:

Step-1:  Press Win+R & type into run “shell:sendto“.

Step-2: Create a shortcut by right click > New > Shortcut.

Step-3: Shortcut named as C:WindowsSystem32fsquirt.exe & click on "Next" option.

Step-4: Give any name it like Sent or Receive File via Bluetooth & click on "Finish" option.

Step-5: Now Right Click on any Music or text file >Navigate Send to > you can see bluetooth file transfer option here.


Step-1: Press Win+R and type “regedit“.

Step-2: Navigate to Computer >> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT >>   *   >>shell.

Step-3: Right-click on "shell" option and select New and then Key.

Step-4: Rename the key as Send to Bluetooth without quotes.

Step-5: Right-click the Send to Bluetooth key, click New’ ‘Key’.

Step-6: Rename it as command without quotes.

Step-7: Select command, double-click Default to the right and type value data as C:WindowsSystem32fsquirt.exe”.

Step-8: Now Right Click on any Music or text file > you can see bluetooth file transfer option here.

thank you all of you!!!!!
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