शुक्रवार, 12 फ़रवरी 2016

How to Create your own Picture on Folder??

The easiest way to create your own icons is to use paint.

Here step-by-step instructions:

Step-1: Open the picture in paint.

Step-2: Then click on "Resize" option.

Step-3: Resize your photo.

Step-4: Then Save As type 24-bit Bitmap and file name with extension .ico and save.

Step-5: Then select your folder e.g- I just created a New Folder on desktop. 

Step-6: Right click on it & Select "properties" option.

Step-7: then click on "Customize" option.

Step-8: Then select "Change icon" option.

Step-9: Then Browse the picture where is it in the PC. (by default the picture is in the folder where the original picture is located.)

Step-10: Then click on it.

After that,  your picture is created on the folder.

That's it
thank you all of  you.....!!!..... :)

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